UPDATE: The problem in accessing main campus systems from the building has been resolved. Please let us know if you see any further problems. Dear faculty, students, and staff, We have a network issue where all WiFi users and many
Phishing attempt
Dear faculty, staff, and students, The email below is a phishing attempt to get you Apple ID and it password. If you receive a similar email, pease delete it. Note, this attack is not against your Andrew ID (which are
Network maintenance on Thursday (May 19 2016) night
Dear faculty, students, and staff, IT will be performing some network maintenance work from 9pm to midnight on Thursday, May 19. You will experience session resets or logouts during this time while accessing our public website or using the Virtual.Qatar
AndrewID password system maintenance on Sunday (May 21 2016) afternoon
Dear faculty, students, and staff, The CMU Password Management System will be shut down for maintenance Saturday May 21st 2016 from 3:00PM to 9:00PM Qatar time. You will not have access to the service https://identity.andrew.cmu.edu or change your AndrewID password
WiFi network outage
Dear faculty, students, and staff, IT will be performing maintenance on the WiFi network in the building. The maintenance will start at 9:00 pm on Thursday, May 12, 2016 and last for 8 hours. The WiFi network will be down
Introducing qatar-infosec@qatar.cmu.edu for information security reporting and assistance
Dear faculty, students, and staff, We have seen a steady rise in spam, phishing, malware, and ransomware in the past several months. Often our ability to minimize the damage from such threats depends on a timely response. We have been
Windows 10 and Office 2016 deploying in summer
Dear faculty, We are planning to upgrade the PCs in the Clusters, lecture halls, classrooms, and conference rooms to Windows 10 in the summer. That is, starting in the Fall 2016 semester, you will be teaching on systems in classrooms
Phasing out VGA video connector
Dear faculty, students, and staff, IT is phasing out the use of the VGA video connector (see picture below) from our AV systems this summer. Starting 1 July 2016, this connector’s cable will no longer be available in any of
Phishing attack again
Dear faculty, students, and staff, The following email is a phishing attack designed to capture your username/AndrewID and password. Please don’t click on links in the following, or similar, email. Remember, IT will never ask for your password. We don’t