Dear faculty and staff,

As part of IT hardware refresh cycle, IT replaced the old PCs in the clusters, lecture halls, classrooms, library, and conference rooms during the summer. The new PCs are also upgraded to Windows 10 and Office 2016 as part of our late summer software refresh.

Windows 10 is not substantially different from Windows 8.1 in usage so we expect this to be an easy adoption. Similarly, Office 2016 is mostly the same as currently deployed Office 2013 and should also be easy to adopt.

At your convenience, please contact us at to upgrade your system to Windows 10 and Office 2016. It will take a few hours to upgrade your system and you will be able to use the system immediately afterwards.

Thank you.

Nasser Alaeddine, Ph.D.| Director of Educational and Media Technologies

IT Hardware Refresh for Clusters & Windows 10