Faculty and staff can access their files on CrashPlan from a Mobile App over the internet on both iOS and Android Platform, this is useful in cases where you need to access a file from you computer on the go, and share via email, or print a copy.

The Apps are available to download for free from:

Mobile App Walk-through

  1. Enter the server address crashpan.qatar.cmu.edu and click “Submit”.


  1. Enter your Andrew ID and Password and click “Sign In”.


  1. The action button located at the top will give you 2 options, 1st is to view the App version, and 2nd is to logout of the app.
  2. You can tap on the list of “Your Devices” to access files from any particular device.
  3. Files that are downloaded to your mobile will be in the download list.


  1. The “back” button on the top left of the screen will return you back one step.
  2. The “home” button on the top right, will take you back to your dashboard.
  3. Here you see the list of folders on the Mac computer selected, which you can navigate through by simply tapping the files and folders.


  1. To download the files, just simply tap the files.


  1. When you return to the home screen you will notice the files you selected are now under “Downloaded Files”.


  1. Review your list of downloaded files
  2. Tap the “Edit” button on the top, to select files for deletion from the mobile device.


  1. After tapping the Edit button, tap the files you want to mark for deletion.
  2. To delete the files tap the “Delete Files” button on the bottom of the screen.
  3. To cancel the operation, click the “x” button on the top of the screen.


  1. You can view a file by tapping on it, to share, print or save it to a different location, tap the “Share” button in the top right corner.
