Faculty and staff can access their files on CrashPlan from any browser over the internet, this is useful in case of lost or stolen laptops, and you needed urgent access to files whilst traveling, files can be easily download from the CrashPlan server using the Web Console.
- Getting to know the Web Console
- Restoring Files
You can reach the console by using the following URL: https://crashplan.qatar.cmu.edu and login with your Andrew ID and Password.
Getting to know the Web Console
Welcome Screen
You can dismiss this screen by hitting ESC on your keyboard or clicking the X on the top right corner. If you would like to get rid of the screen permanently, check the “Don’t show this again” box in the bottom left corner.
The Dashboard
- Link to Dashboard (current view)
- Link to devices on your account
- Link to account profile
- Theme toggle: light or dark
- Sign out link
- Current number devices online (connected through CrashPlan client software)
- Current total data stored from all devices
- Current number of devices backing up
- Recent locations of devices being backed up
- Options menu (not shown). Two options: Show deactivated devices and show backup alerts
- Add a device. Allows you to download the client software
- Device Overview table. Shows devices added to your account
- Name of the device: This is the computer name that the OS assigns
- Operating system: Windows or Mac
- Selected size of data to be backed up in megabytes
- Total backup progress
- Total backup stored in megabytes
- Last backup activity
- Connection status
- Restore button: allows you to access and download backed up files from the device
My Profile
- Action button (Edit User Properties, and Print)
- User overview area
- Current total data stored from all devices
- Restores Summary
- Devices overview
- Recent locations of devices being backed up
- User Roles in CrashPlan
Users can change their display name and email address but not their Andrew IDs.
Restoring Files
Web Restore dialog
- From Destination, this can be left as is (CPP-STORAGE-POOL).
- You can enter a past date and CrashPlan will restore files from that date or the nearest data for which there is a backup.
- Search your backup data for a specific file.
- File navigation menu allows you to navigate to a specific location and choose the specific file you want to download.
This procedure works the same across all platforms.
- Go to your “Devices” section.
- Click on the “Restore” button next to the device you want to restore from.
- (Optional) Select a date to restore from, and/or search for a file to restore, if you know the new of the file.
- Alternatively you can search through your folders and select the file you want to restore.
NOTE: Click on the triangle next to the file, will reveal time stamps, should the file have multiple versions, you can download the exact version you want, useful if have made many changes and wish to roll-back to a previous version.
- (Optional) Select any of the 3 three options illustrated if necessary.
- Click the “Restore” button.
NOTE: Web Restores have file size limit of 250GB
- Once your file is ready for download, click the download link on the bottom left side of the page.
NOTE: After downloading the file and editing, you will have to save the file back on the computer you downloaded from, otherwise the changes would will not be on that computer.