- Intel-based Macintosh Computer running OS X 10.7 or later.
- Local Network or Internet Connection
- Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client <> when connecting from outside the CMU-Q Network.
- Drive URLs:
Drive | URL |
U: (Personal) | smb://<AndrewID>/mydocuments/ |
S: (Shared) | smb:// |
Table 1 * Replace <AndrewID> with the applicable information.
Click on Finder in your Dock then go to the Finder Menu in the Menu bar.
Click on Preferences (Keyboard Shortcut ⌘+,)
Under Finder Preferences check the box next to “Connected Servers” then Close Finder Preference (Keyboard Shortcut ⌘+w)
Either Right Click the Finder icon then Click Connect to Server, OR Click “Go” in the menu bar then click “Connect to Server” (Keyboard Shortcut ⌘+k)
In the “Connect to Server” dialog, type in the addresses from (Table 1) and click the “+” button after every address
Select the addresses you entered one by one and click “Connect” or just hit the “Return” on your keyboard. When prompted, enter you Andrew ID and password, check the box “Remember the password in my keychain” then click :Connect”.
Your drives should look something like, this:
You should now have access to your files. Remember when off campus to use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. <>
Other Tips:
— Shortcuts in your Favorites
You can create shortcuts to your folders by dragging the folder from the Desktop to the sidebar in Finder.
— Ejecting your drives:
You can eject your drives by either Right-Clicking (or Control + Click) the drive you want to Eject, and select “Eject “<Drive Name>”, or you can simply drag the drive to your “Trash”.
— Mount your departmental folder directly:
You can connect to your departmental folder directly by entering the full path to your departmental folder:
smb://<Department Name>