An existing test must be deployed as course content and made available to students before it can be taken by users.
In order for a student to take a test on Blackboard, the instructor must perform three distinct actions:
- Create a new test
- Add the test as course content
- Make the test available to students (can be done in previous step or later)
Deploy a Test
Navigate to a content area within your course, then click “Test” from the “Create Assessment” menu.
Click “Create” to make a new test and then follow the directions to make a new test or select from the menu of previously created tests.
Click “Submit” to enter the “Test Options”.
“Test Options” controls the test availability and test-taking options for users.
Note: If a test isn’t explicitly made available, it will not be visible to student users.
Make a Test Available
A test can be deployed without being immediately available to users. To make it available after deployment:
In the content area where the test is deployed, click the context menu and select “Edit” to enter the “Edit Test Options” page.
On the “Edit Test Options” page, scroll to section 2, “Test Availability”. Click “Yes” next to “Make the Link Available”.
Click “Submit” to immediately make the content area visible to student users.
Note: If the instructor restricts the dates for when the test may be taken, students will not be able to begin taking the test until that designated date and time.