Enrollment in a Blackboard course will typically occur automatically based on registration, but users may also be added manually.

Automatic Enrollment for Instructors and Registered Students

Students registered in the HUB and officially enrolled in a course will automatically be enrolled in a Blackboard course.

Enroll a TA / User

Instructors have the ability to manually enroll users in the course (e.g. TAs, students, guest lecturers). TAs can enroll students and guests in a course, but cannot enroll other TAs or instructors.

From the “Control Panel”, expand the “Users and Groups” menu.
Click “Users”.

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Point at “Enroll User”, then Click “Find Users to Enroll” from the dropdown contextual menu (located at the top of the “Users” page).

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If the Andrew ID of the user to add to the course is known, it can be supplied directly in the “Username” text field. If the Andrew ID of the user is not known, search for the user:

Click “Browse…” to bring up a search window.

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Select the appropriate field to search against:Username: The user’s Andrew ID

(the text before the @andrew.cmu.edu in an official email address)

Note: The text before an @cmu.edu email address is not guaranteed to be an andrew id.

Last Name: The user’s surname
First Name: The user’s given name
Email: The user’s email address.

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Select the search type “Contains” from the second dropdown menu, as it is the most liberal. Leave it as this unless too many results are returned to read through.
Enter the known information about the user in text box.

Click “Go”. Blackboard will return a list of users that matches the search parameters.
Be Aware: A user already enrolled in the course will not be returned in these search results.

Note: When a student has become “disabled” in the course, his/her name will not appear in either list. Contact Blackboard Support for assistance when this occurs.

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Select the checkbox next to each user that should be enrolled in the course.

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Click “Submit” to return to the “Enroll Users” page with the results of the search. The username text field will be populated with the users returned from the search.

From the “Enrollment Availability” dropdown menu, select a role for the user or leave the default (“Student”).

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Click “Submit” to enroll the user.

Note: In Blackboard 9.1, the “Search” field on the “Users” page is intended for searching students already enrolled in the Blackboard course and does NOT search for all users listed in the Carnegie Mellon directory. A separate “Search” field is provided for finding users to manually enroll in the course.

List Enrolled Users

Expand the “Users and Groups” area in the “Control Panel” and click on “Users”. A list of users enrolled in the course will appear.

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Note: If all users are not showing and you’d like to show all, click the “Show All” button located beneath the list of users.

If the list of students is empty, Blackboard may have a cached filter. To reset the filter and view all enrolled users:

Locate the two dropdown menus that appear under the “Find Users to Enroll” button at the top of the “Users” page.
Select “Not blank” in the second dropdown menu.
Delete any text that appears in the text box to its right.
Click “Go” which appears to the far right of the text box. This will prompt Blackboard to load the current list of enrolled users.

Search for an Enrolled User

Enter an enrolled user’s Last Name, User Name, or Email address in the Search field and click the “Go” button. The user’s information (name, username, email, role in Blackboard) will appear.

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Note: This search utility will only return results for users already enrolled in the course.