IT provides WiFi access to the network and internet for all CMU students, faculty and Staff.  The WiFi covers the whole campus and is delivered over 802.11ac using 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies.

1.     Login to your computer and make sure that your Wireless adapter is switched on (different model computers have different methods).

2.     Locate the WiFi icon in your system tray and click on it.


3.     Once you have clicked, the Networks panel on the right hand of the screen should appear with a list of close by WiFi networks.


NOTE: Should there be no networks listed, make sure the Wi-Fi button illustrated is set to ON

4.     From the list of networks click on CMUQ-SECURE and click Connect.  Checking the “Connect Automatically” box is optional but recommended.


5.     When prompted, enter your Andrew ID and Password and wait while your identity is verified.



6.     In some cases, you may receive a security warning that the server’s identity cannot be confirmed; this is normal, accept the message by clicking Connect.


7.     Confirm that you are connected to the WiFi network by checking the WiFi icon in the system tray, and/or surfing the web.