1- Open App Store.
2- Search for “FileCloud” app (Seller is Codelathe LLC ).
3- Install FileCloud app.
4- Start the iOS App and Click on “+” symbol on the main page of FileCloud and FileCloud iOS App to add a new account.
5- Enter the required information:
Account URL: https://filecloud.qatar.cmu.edu
Your Andrew account and password
Once the account is authenticated, you will be able to access the files in the computer or FileCloud by selecting the account you wish to access.
For more information on using mobile app:
1- Download the FileCloud Android App from Google Play Appstore (Seller is Codelathe LLC ).
2- Start the Android App and Click on the icon on the main page of the app to add a new account.
3- Enter the required credentials
Account URL: https://filecloud.qatar.cmu.edu
Andrew account and password
Once the account is authenticated, you will be able to access the files in the computer or FileCloud by selecting the account you wish to access.
For more information on using mobile app:
For more information on using iOS app:
For MS-Office integration:
For more information on using Android app:
For MS-Office integration: