Project titleIs the Future Female? A Study on Educational Attainment & Economic Development

This paper studies the impact of women’s secondary and tertiary level educational attainment on economic growth. We regress GDP growth on female and male education explanatory variables, as well as a set of control variables, across 141 high-, middle- and low-income countries from the years 1965 to 2010. Our results suggest that female secondary and tertiary level education has a significant positive effect on GDP growth for high-income countries. No significant effect was found for low- or middle-income countries. We reference the U-Shape hypothesis to provide a potential explanation for those results. We conclude that our results propose an optimistic outlook for low- and middle-income countries in reaping the economic benefits of women pursuing both secondary and higher level education. 

Primary contact nameNour Mohamed
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Primary contact mobile phone+974 3013 8128
Students/participant(s) programs
  • Business Administration
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Agustín Indaco Advisor
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  • Business Administration