2.A.1 Name of plan "owner" (should be faculty PI)Annette Shoba Vincent
2.A.2 CMU-Q email of plan ownerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
2.A.3 Department of plan ownerBiological Sciences
2.B Justification of on-site work

The current research is funded by the NPRP Cycle 10 grant with two grant personnel supported on the grant. The reporting period if yearly. While some parts of the project can be completed computationally, a significant part of the work package that starts from Jan 2020 to Nov 2020 requires wet-lab based experiments to achieve the objectives of the grant in a timely manner for reporting. Sequencing kits and other biological kits for the work that were ordered for over the course of the project is close to expiring and these reagents are expensive.

2.C.1 Facility details and locations
Room No. Location name/description
2033 Biology lab
3179 Annette Vincent office
3062 Dina Al Tarawneh office
3025 Biology teaching lab
2039 Lab storage room
2.C.2 Personnel details
Name AndrewID Personnel type (faculty, staff, student) Relevant spaces to access # Level of access ##
Annette Shoba Vincent annettev Faculty 2033, 3179, 3025, 2039 B
Dina Al Tarawneg dtarawne Staff 2033, 3062, 3025, 2039, 3015 B
2.C.3 Acknowledge that people listed above have been consulted
  • Yes, people listed above have been consulted
2.D Pandemic Safety Officer
PSO Name PSO AndrewID Date of training #
Annette Shoba Vincent annettev 14th July 2020
2.E.1 Short descriptoin of project(s) and type(s) of work

Wet-lab experiments involve cloning, expression protein purification and sequencing. The work is classified as molecular biology and microbiology.

2.E.2 Does your work involve human subjects?No
2.E.3 If not requesting ongoing access, list date ranges for which you are requesting access

Ongoing access

2.F Prioritization considerations

The experiments are important for the grant reporting but further to that data from wet-lab experiments needs to be done to complement a research paper we are working on for submission.

2.G.1.a Describe any scheduling tools you will use to control access to particular rooms and appratus?

We will have a shared calendar for ALL users of All common space (e.g. 2033, 3025, 3027, etc) which was set on by IT entitled: Research Activity planner.

2.G.1.b If you intend to use pre-defined rotations or shifts, attach (at end) or provide below an example schedule

Currently, the usage of the primary research space for my program (2033) has fewer users than the maximum occupancy (6), consequently we do not require rotations.  With other common spaces, the number of individuals permitted per room will be placed on the front door. Occupancy numbers as determined by Facilities is as follows:
Lab 3025: 9 persons
However, if the number of users exceeds the maximum occupancy the PIs (Vincent, Rule, Affara) will meet regularly to discuss how this will be accomplished and we will update facilities on the plan.

2.G.1.c Are there any circumstances where personnel CANNOT maintain physical distancing for short periods of time?No
2.G.2 Anyone who is sick must stay home
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.3 Face masks
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.4 Individual hygiene & hand-washing
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.5 Facility entrance/exit logging processes

All users of research space will enter their planned occupancy in a shared calendar, they will revise the calendar if their plans change.  We have discussed with facilities using the normal door card scanners to generate an independent log of room access.

3 Ramp-down and temporary suspension of work plans

In case a lab shut down is ordered due to infection spread or emergency, the following shut down plan will be executed:
¨ Ensure freezers (-20C & -80C degrees) and fridges are connected to emergency power.
¨ Ensure that one fume cupboard is connected to emergency power
¨ Samples and chemicals in the freezers that are temperature sensitive will remain in freezers with emergency backup
¨ Actively growing cultures will be placed immediately into fridges; if opportunity to freeze (time permission) this will be done.
¨ All equipment (with the exception of freezers and fridges) will be disconnected from power supply; especially heat equipment like water bath, heating blocks and ovens
¨ Chemicals in the portable fume cupboard (2033) will be moved to non-portable fume cupboards in 2196 or 3025.
¨ Benchtop will be cleared and wiped down and freed of clutter
¨ All personal belongings will be removed from labs
¨ Glass bottles or reagents (at room temperature) will be stored away into cupboards.
¨ Volatile chemicals will be stored away in the respective fume cupboards, all flammables will be stored away into flammable cabinets
¨ Chemical waste will collect in one satellite collection point – this fume cupboard should be connected to the emergency power outlet
¨ Accumulated waste will be autoclaved (if time permits)

4 Regular reporting details
  • Yes, I acknowledge
5 Acknowledgement of positive COVID-19 diagnosis response protocols and temporary work suspension
  • Yes, I acknowledge
6.b Attachments