2.A.1 Name of plan "owner" (should be faculty PI)Mohamed Bouaouina
2.A.2 CMU-Q email of plan ownerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
2.A.3 Department of plan ownerBio Sci
2.B Justification of on-site work

The research projects conducted in my lab require access to lab facility to
conduct wet-lab experiments, use lab equipment and data collection.

2.C.1 Facility details and locations
Room No. Location name/description
3027 Bio Research lab
3025 Bio Teaching lab
3021 Flow cytometry lab
3222 Storage room on third floor
3180 Mohamed Bouaouina office
2179 Microscopy room
3142 BSL2 inside 3027
2033 Prep lab
2196 Chemistry lab
2.C.2 Personnel details
Name AndrewID Personnel type (faculty, staff, student) Relevant spaces to access # Level of access ##
Mohamed Bouaouina mohamedb faculty 3027, 3180, 3222, 3025, 3021, 2179, 3142 A
Maryam Aslam maslam student 3027, 3025, 3021,3142 A
Laila Assami lassami student 3027, 3025, 3021,3142 A
Hana Hasna hhasna students 3027, 3025, 3021,3142 A
2.C.3 Acknowledge that people listed above have been consulted
  • Yes, people listed above have been consulted
2.D Pandemic Safety Officer
PSO Name PSO AndrewID Date of training #
Mohamed Bouaouina mohamedb July 14, 2020
2.E.1 Short descriptoin of project(s) and type(s) of work

The MB lab will conduct cell culture and cell transfection experiments
followed by flow cytometry or microscopy analysis, in addition molecular
biology experiments will be conducted using transformed bacteria to
generate recombinant DNA constructs.

2.E.2 Does your work involve human subjects?No
2.E.3 If not requesting ongoing access, list date ranges for which you are requesting access


2.F Prioritization considerations

I would like to request access for my students for all working days of the week.

2.G.1.a Describe any scheduling tools you will use to control access to particular rooms and appratus?

If needed, an outlook calendar will be used to plan all lab activity and keep track
of everyone's time and presence in the designated rooms/labs. In
addition the calendar will allow scheduling of staggered working
schedules if lab occupancy is to be exceeded.
The calendar will be shared with facility to allow monitoring and easy
information collection for tracing purposes.

2.G.1.c Are there any circumstances where personnel CANNOT maintain physical distancing for short periods of time?No
2.G.2 Anyone who is sick must stay home
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.3 Face masks
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.4 Individual hygiene & hand-washing
  • Yes, I affirm
2.G.5 Facility entrance/exit logging processes

If needed, an outlook calendar will be used to plan all lab activity and keep track
of everyone's time and presence in the designated rooms/labs. In
addition the calendar will allow scheduling of staggered working
schedules if lab occupancy is to be exceeded.

3 Ramp-down and temporary suspension of work plans

following protocol applies for both temporary or indefinite shut-down
as there is no guaranty that a temporary shut-down could become
• Ensure freezers (-20C & -80C degrees) and fridges are connected to
emergency power.
• Ensure that one fume cupboard is connected to emergency power
• Samples and chemicals in the freezers that are temperature sensitive
will remain in freezers with emergency backup
• Actively growing cultures will be placed immediately into fridges; if
opportunity to freeze (time permission) this will be done.
• All equipment (with the exception of freezers and fridges) will be
disconnected from power supply; especially heat equipment like water
bath, heating blocks and ovens
• Chemicals in the portable fume cupboard (2033) will be moved to
non-portable fume cupboards in 2196 or 3025.
• Benchtop will be cleared and wiped down and freed of clutter
• All personal belongings will be removed from labs
• Glass bottles or reagents (at room temperature) will be stored away
into cupboards.
• Volatile chemicals will be stored away in the respective fume
cupboards, all flammables will be stored away into flammable cabinets
• Chemical waste will collect in one satellite collection point – this
fume cupboard should be connected to the emergency power outlet
• Accumulated waste will be autoclaved (if time permits)

4 Regular reporting details
  • Yes, I acknowledge
5 Acknowledgement of positive COVID-19 diagnosis response protocols and temporary work suspension
  • Yes, I acknowledge