Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Entry DateYour nameTartans Together activityEmailApproval StatusHave you comleted the return to campus training?
October 11, 2020Khalid TEST WarraichOct 15 - First Year WelcomeUnapprovedYes
October 10, 2020Khalid TEST 4 WarraichOct 14 - International Student GatheringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.UnapprovedYes
October 10, 2020Khalid TEST WarraichOct 14 - International Student GatheringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.UnapprovedYes
October 10, 2020Khalid TEST WarraichOct 14 - International Student GatheringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.UnapprovedYes
October 10, 2020Khalid TEST WarraichOct 14 - International Student GatheringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.UnapprovedYes
Entry DateYour nameTartans Together activityEmailApproval StatusHave you comleted the return to campus training?
Tartans together list